Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Ripe for the picking

On Friday night I attended a BBQ of paella hosted by Sonja and Mouta (owners of the school) and some of the other students who are taking classes at the Spanish School of La Herradura,  Spain. 

It was located on a lovely farm in the mountains overlooking La Herradura.  There, Olaf (of Norway) grows avocados and olives.  He told me that avocados ripen after they are picked so he is able to harvest them whenever he chooses.  He said in the US and most places the grower will pick them as soon as they ripen on the tree but if you leave them longer they develop a deeper and richer taste.  I found it interesting to learn that they don't spoil on the tree and can be plucked at will without worry of spoilage from leaving them too long.  I think language acquisition is the same way.  If you have patience with the process you will develop a deeper, richer competence with the language.  If you leave it go for awhile as I did by taking 28 years off between first learning the language and the present day when I am actively using it - I found that it has not spoiled.  It is always there for the picking.

email info@spanish-school-herradura.com

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